The Hubcap project is located 5 km southeast of Wawa. It’s a 4,163-hectare area with nine historic parallel gold-bearing quartz veins, all open at depth.
Historical Work
There was small, near-surface production on the property in 1934 and 1939-40. Historic* underground samples returned up to 80 g/t Au. The “Ross Showing” returned historic* grab sample values of up to 383 g/t Au and 219 g/t Ag, and veins of 1-3 metres in width were identified.
*All technical information is historical in nature and while the Company and the QP consider the information to be generally correct and relevant to the project, it should not be relied upon.
A test drill hole at the Camouflage Trench returned 11.6 g/t Au. Other underground samples taken at this project site returned 80 g/t Au. Potential for platinum group metals.
Hubcap Project Map